Events at Wickenby
This is the page to visit if you want to find out what’s planned in future. We host events such as Charity Wing Walking and Advanced Aerobatic Coaching, mostly during the summer months.
At Home Day –

Following the success of the On OPS – Flour Bombing event in May, Wickenby Aerodrome events team are proud to announce the next event in the calendar, our “At Home Day – Vintage & Classic Aircraft fly in”.
The “At Home Day” is a nod to the history of our aerodrome and to the days when the aircrew had a rest from operational flying and the base had the opportunity for some R&R.
We have a Merlin engine (subject to serviceability) that will perform ground runs throughout the day, just to add that authentic sound that once reverberated around our base together with visiting military vehicles and steam engines.
Our fantastic Café 12 will be serving the famous “Wickenby Crew Breakfast” during the day, together with a fantastic selection of cakes and treats.
For those flying in to the event, please PPR via our contact form on the home page.
We hope that you will be able to join us at some point throughout the day.
Very best regards
The Wickenby Events Team.
Red Day –

An opportunity to fly in and get up close to our very own RED, XX227.
All being well, we hope to allow access to the cockpit for those wanting to get a closer view. (a small fee will be charged on the day for cockpit access)
Free landing for those arriving in a RED aircraft (or displaying a significant portion of RED within the paint scheme; subject to our discretion).
All visiting aircraft must PPR via the Contact Us page or by telephone on 01673 885000.
Our Cafe 12 will be offering a revised menu on the day to allow our talented chef to make the special of the day; his famous Red Thai curry, using authentic Thai spicing and ingredients. There will be a limited amount of servings, so arrive early to avoid missing out.
We hope to see you there.
Wickenby events team.
ON OPS Weekend –

Following last years successful mission , Wickenby Aerodrome is back ON OPS. Commemorating operation Chastise, the Wickenby Dam and Flour Bombing Competition are back for another year on our annual event.
For those wanting to take part in the event, please download these documents and read them thoroughly. You may print out and complete the application form and bring it with you on the day, but do not email it to us.
You can now book a take off slot for your mission via the ON OPS PPR link below. Email entries will not be accepted.
Please follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for event updates.
For those wanting to fly into the event, but not take part, please PPR via the Contact us section of our website.
PPR is required for ALL visiting aircraft.
We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Wickenby Aerodrome events team.
Wing Walking
Future Wing Walking sessions:
You don’t have to super-athletic to take part in the Charity Wing Walking, just a bit adventurous! But, there are some physical constraints – so It’s best to contact the Wing Walk Company direct (these flights are not organised directly by Wickenby Aerodrome).
Please contact The Wing Walk Company if you would like any information or to book.